Upcoming Presentation for NAWBO, Las Vegas

I am very excited to be presenting at this month's Las Vegas NAWBO luncheon - June 26th - at Lawry's. I will be doing a brand new program: 'The Keys to Financial Freedom". This program incorporates some of the key segments from my new movie, The Keeper of the Keys.

Join Me & Jack Canfield for Lunch in Las Vegas Dec. 8th

Ever wonder what it would be like to have lunch with Jack Canfield and "The Queen of the Business Lunch"? Well, this is your chance! Join me - the undeniable "Queen of the Business Lunch" - and Jack Canfield, co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and "The Success Principles" for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity this Thursday, Dec. 8th, at 11:30 AM, at The PALM Restaurant inside the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace. This event is going to be something you will remember 4EVER!!!

More Answers to Big Business Lunch Questions

... most challenges or problems that come up at business lunches are more common than people think. Here are some answers to the most common problems.

It’s Hard to Stump ‘The Queen of the Business Lunch’!

I've been speaking on "The Art of the Business Lunch" and building relationships for nearly 10 years now, and have YET to be stumped, so I thought this exercise would really be fun. I asked "What is the WORST thing that has ever happened to you during a business lunch?"

Gratitude for the PERFECT PITCH

Let me start by asking you about how you define yourself; what do you say when you meet someone new? Can you explain who you are and what you do in a tantalizing 10 words or less?

When Paying for Dinner Becomes a Nightmare…

Phil said to get everyone's attention and say, "We are here this evening to get to know and honor our special guest. We are going to split the check evenly - so order whatever you want." That way, everyone knows going in that they must "pay to play."