Speakers Bureau Seeking New Authors – Speakers

From now until Nov. 30th, I'm looking for a few Authors and Speakers who want to meet a literary agent, discover how to promote themselves and their books, and get listed on the speakers bureau website.

“Moving Forward” with Jennifer Sabin

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 – I will be the guest on Jennifer Sabin’s Voice America Internet Radio Show: Moving Forward, today at 10AM PST/1PM EST.

Jennifer was a featured expert in the movie I wrote and produced, “The Keeper of the Keys”, and she’s one of my favorite people. She lives in the Miami area so I […]

Get Paid to Speak: ONE Day Boot Camp, Sat., 9/15/12

So, how is a speaker supposed to get more gigs so they can earn more money speaking? The answer lies in the information I'm going to share at my Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp, Sat., Sept. 15th, 2012, at the Hampton Inn on St. Rose Parkway at Spencer/Seven Hills Drive.

“Blog Like a Pro!” Mini Boot Camp – Sat. 7/14/12

Discover tips and techniques for blogging effectively so that you can improve your search engine ranking, and you'll come away with outstanding insights on new ways to market yourself and your business.

Get PAID to Speak! 7/28 & 7/29 in Las Vegas

This boot camp is not about presentation skills. This is about how to earn THOUSANDS of dollars as a SPEAKER! It's about how using Science & Psychology can guarantee that you will earn thousands every time you speak.

Upcoming Presentation for NAWBO, Las Vegas

I am very excited to be presenting at this month's Las Vegas NAWBO luncheon - June 26th - at Lawry's. I will be doing a brand new program: 'The Keys to Financial Freedom". This program incorporates some of the key segments from my new movie, The Keeper of the Keys.