Motivational Speakers and experts in Personal Development have come together once again in The Power of the Platform, an anthology from the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau that features messages of motivation and inspiration from some of the world’s most outstanding speakers. I’m delighted to be a part of this book.

The first book, subtitled Speakers on Success, was a tremendous hit. I wrote the introduction for that edition. The book features chapters from such notable experts in the field of personal development as Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Les Brown.

The latest book in the series, Speakers on Purpose, features returning self-help gurus Canfield, Brown, and Tracy, along with relationship expert Keith Ferrazzi and The Secret’s Marci Shimoff as well as many other speakers with important messages that offer hope during these challenging times.

Being a part of these anthologies has taken much of my time this past year. I have begun work on the next edition, Speakers on Life. This book will bring answers and inspiration to all who are fortunate enough to read it. The books are also available in e-book format and the audio books are currently in production.

As “The Queen of the Business Lunch,” my area of expertise lies in building significant, productive business relationships.  Speakers on Purpose offered me my first opportunity to share my newest keynote message, “B Face 2 Face 4 Success.” The chapter in the anthology touches on the importance of the business lunch (OF COURSE!) 🙂 but it takes relationship building a few steps further.

How can you build a relationship when lunch is not an option, as when your client lives on the other side of the country? And what about all this social media? Are you TWEETING your lunch hour away, eating solo?

I wanted to use my chapter in Speakers on Purpose to help business professionals get a grip on their client relationships. It’s a fabulous book that offers insights, tips, techniques, and inspirational stories from speakers as far away as Bangkok and Singapore! If you want a copy, just let me know. I’ll throw in FOR FREE an e-book edition for every paperback sold now through Christmas. I want you to have your best year EVER!