Think your behavior at a business lunch doesn’t matter? I just read a blog from Joel Comm about a consultant who just lost a $25,000 consulting gig because even though the consultant did the inviting, he failed to pick up the check. Hmmm, how can I say this even more plainly than I have in the past?

If you did the inviting, this is YOURS!
Seriously – it’s THAT simple; no exceptions! What I loved most about Joel’s blog was the fact that the consultant actually had a shot at getting Joel’s business – and he blew it because of his lunch behavior! AND I especially loved that this post received more than 65 PASSIONATE responses – mostly from those who understand the IMPORTANCE of a business lunch done right! KUDOS to all! 🙂
And here’s a second tip: Two for the price of one….
NEVER EVER pay for a business lunch with CASH!

Slip your credit card to your server discreetly
“Why?” you ask? Let me ask you this – when you are out with a friend and they grab the check and say, “I’ve got it,” don’t you ALWAYS offer to at least “get the tip”? That will also be your client’s reaction. A credit card is not just authoritative, but you will be able to hand it to your server as soon as you are seated (or WHILE you are being seated) to avoid that awkward moment or fight when the check finally comes. It will have already be handled, tip and all, if you planned ahead.