Client Lunch: Why Are Client Lunches So Valuable?

WHY are client lunches so valuable?
Are client lunches really worth the time they take? Absolutely! And I know – I personally hosted more than 3,000 client lunches during my advertising sales career….and I saw my sales increase by more than 2,000%! That’s stunning. I wrote “The Art of the Business Lunch: Building Relationships Between 12 and 2” to help everyone become a client lunch expert!

But, my business lunch success story doesn’t end there.


From Networking to Client Lunch to Increase Sales: 3 Easy Steps

There is never enough time to establish a solid or productive new business relationship at most networking events. That is why you should invite any interesting new contact to meet you a few days later for a client lunch. If you want to increase sales, this is a critical step and the very best way to convert your efforts at networking into increased sales.

Business Meal Etiquette Still Stumps Many

Business Meal expert Robin Jay offers tips for business meal etiquette. Taking clients to business meals can build your business, but make sure you know proper etiquette before you go.

More Answers to Big Business Lunch Questions

... most challenges or problems that come up at business lunches are more common than people think. Here are some answers to the most common problems.

Are You “Lunch Worthy”?

Are you LUNCH WORTHY? Is having lunch with you going to be WORTH the five hours it's going to take? In many cases, it IS worth it. I love to connect with former colleagues and I definitely enjoy work-related business lunches with current clients or prospects. There are also worthwhile industry functions - which are tremendous networking opportunities!

I’ll Be Speaking @ PCMA Meeting This Week!

A strong ability to build relationships can assure your success - whatever field you are in. WHY? Because PEOPLE PREFER TO DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE THEY LIKE! Your parents were wrong: success in life actually IS a popularity contest! After all - who wants to hang out with or do business with people they DON'T LIKE?!