FORBES insights FaceToFace

PCMA convention attendees – and anyone else who wants to view this fantastic report – just click the link here to open the FORBES Insights report on doing business face-to-face.

I predict that meetings will soon become hybrids – a combination of face-to-face meetings with the key decision makers on site and additional attendees  as a virtual audience. As indicated in the Forbes insight report, cost and time are the main reasons for hosting technology-assisted meetings. But the bottom line is that there is no substitute for a face-to-face meeting or – even better – the opportunity to break bread with your clients.

Cheers! I look forward to building a relationship with you. Please subscribe to my blog or sign up on my home page to receive my “7 Steps to Networking Success” – a wonderful, 7-part report that will have you saying, “I never thought of that!” ~ Robin