How Come I Don’t Weigh 300 Pounds?
Agricultural subsidies have the net effect of reducing the costs of food production and allowing food manufacturers, restaurant companies, and fast food chains to increase portion size while reducing food costs.
Agricultural subsidies have the net effect of reducing the costs of food production and allowing food manufacturers, restaurant companies, and fast food chains to increase portion size while reducing food costs.
Are you LUNCH WORTHY? Is having lunch with you going to be WORTH the five hours it's going to take? In many cases, it IS worth it. I love to connect with former colleagues and I definitely enjoy work-related business lunches with current clients or prospects. There are also worthwhile industry functions - which are tremendous networking opportunities!
I often get asked about my nickname, “The Queen of the Business Lunch.” It’s been years since I wrote the award-winning book “The Art of the Business Lunch: Building Relationships Between 12 and 2” and even longer since I earned my nickname. I thought since I just got a new logo, I would take this […]
Those of us who need a big, delicious fix of Don Draper and his entourage will finally get it when season 4 of MAD MEN premieres on AMC TV July 25th. Of course “The Queen of the Business Lunch™” will be watching to see how the development of the new start-up, Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, progresses and how they go about romancing all the clients away from their former agency, Sterling Cooper. I anticipate there will be many lunches and cocktails consumed over the course of the new season.
WHY is Entrepreneur touting bar meetings in 2010 and encouraging business executives to drink "power" drinks like scotch in order to discuss business? I don't get it ... and I could not be more disappointed. I think they were merely trying hard to be cutting-edge cool. And, I'm afraid an "influencer" like Entrepreneur might just encourage some young eager beavers who are not confident enough on their own to take the magazine's advice and end up with a business mess or possibly a life disaster on their hands. Their cover story seems like a giant leap BACKWARD for progress.