What to Order at a Business Lunch

There are so many reasons for ordering a more healthy lunchtime meal - to watch your weight and eat healthy, to have food that is easy to eat (it's a LOT easier to get small bites of a piece of fish in your mouth than it is to down ribs or an over-sized burger!), and to focus more on the meeting that the eating. But there is another reason why you might want to order salads, fish, or lean meat - especially when out with clients.

The “REAL” Reason a Marketing Plan Fails

I had a business lunch this past week with my friend, Phil Robertson (Phil@PJRobertson.com), who is an incredible marketing consultant. I always learn SO MUCH at a business lunch – especially when I’m talking to an expert in their field!

Phil and I were talking about a recent casino promotion. As a marketing expert, Phil could […]

The POWER of the Platform: Speakers Help Through Motivation

Motivational Speakers and experts in Personal Development have come together once again in The Power of the Platform, an anthology from the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau that features messages of motivation and inspiration from some of the world’s most outstanding speakers. I’m delighted to be a part of this book.

The first book, subtitled Speakers […]