Speaking: NAWMBA! National Association of Women MBAs

Where, oh where, have my blogs disappeared to? They have taken a back seat the past week as I have been BUSY preparing for two killer presentations at Friday’s (10/30) NAWMBA conference at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim.

I’ll be presenting at 12PM on The Art of the Business Lunch and at 2:45PM on How to […]

For Meeting Planners & Speakers Bureaus

Attention Meeting Planners & Speakers Bureaus:

I want to work with YOU!

Welcome to my newly redesigned website. As a Business Relationship Expert, of COURSE I had it designed with you in mind. Everything you need is right here, all in one place.

As the industry gets away from tapes, discs, and media kits…and moves into digital-direct […]