It’s Hard to Stump ‘The Queen of the Business Lunch’!

I've been speaking on "The Art of the Business Lunch" and building relationships for nearly 10 years now, and have YET to be stumped, so I thought this exercise would really be fun. I asked "What is the WORST thing that has ever happened to you during a business lunch?"

I’ll Be Speaking @ PCMA Meeting This Week!

A strong ability to build relationships can assure your success - whatever field you are in. WHY? Because PEOPLE PREFER TO DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE THEY LIKE! Your parents were wrong: success in life actually IS a popularity contest! After all - who wants to hang out with or do business with people they DON'T LIKE?!

FORBES Insights: Executives Prefer Face-to-Face Meetings

FORBES Insights' latest report shows that executives prefer face-to-face meetings. The reasons why they preferred IN PERSON, face-to-face meetings? There is no comparison: * To build STRONGER, more MEANINGFUL business relationships (85%) * Ability to read body language and facial expressions (77%) * More social interaction, ability to bond with co-workers/clients (75%) * Allow for more complex strategic thinking (49%)

“The Queen of the Business Lunch™” on Face Time

Now, I’ve taken the foundation of the principles in the book and expounded on them to apply to today’s tech-obsessed world, when a great business lunch isn’t always an option. There are many alternatives to a business lunch, especially for those who are on a seriously limited budget.

Successful Entrepreneur Panel & Book Signing: Sat. 6/26

Three out of four people would like to be an entrepreneur! Teen Entrepreneurs of Las Vegas invites you to an open discussion with successful entrepreneurs who will share the stories of their success,answer your questions, and sign their books.

How Do You Ask a Client to Lunch?

Seems many executives choke a bit when it comes to inviting a client out to lunch ... and the bigger the client, the more anxiety about lunch. It's really easy to invite a client to a business lunch - and you are only limited by your own creativity.