Etiquette FUN for Client Lunches OR Dinner with Friends

I think it's fascinating to read about etiquette and discover all the little nuances that add grace to a client lunch or business dinner. If you've ever wondered about exactly what to do, pick up a copy of an etiquette book. You'll really find it enjoyable and some of the tips are sure to surprise you!

Business Lunch Tips Come to Life!

I'm off to another FABULOUS business lunch and I want YOU to come along for the ride! Here are some super tips and techniques for building PRODUCTIVE relationships over a meal (or coffee! Breakfast is the new lunch!) There is no better way to create quality FACE TIME than by sharing a meal with clients and associates! Share a Meal & Close the Deal!

Robin Jay LOVES Southwest Airlines: A Customer Service Story

I speak on building relationships, making people feel special, and the entire customer service experience...and SWA gets it RIGHT!