How Much Love Can You Share?

I think the answer lies in your own comfort zone. Ask yourself how YOU would feel if someone signed an email to you the same way YOU want to sign YOUR emails. In dealing with the EXPERTS who are going to appear in the movie I'm producing, "The Keeper of the Keys," I often sign my emails with "Much love" or "Sending Love Your Way."

FORBES Insights: Executives Prefer Face-to-Face Meetings

FORBES Insights' latest report shows that executives prefer face-to-face meetings. The reasons why they preferred IN PERSON, face-to-face meetings? There is no comparison: * To build STRONGER, more MEANINGFUL business relationships (85%) * Ability to read body language and facial expressions (77%) * More social interaction, ability to bond with co-workers/clients (75%) * Allow for more complex strategic thinking (49%)

Being “The Queen of the Business Lunch”

I often get asked about my nickname, “The Queen of the Business Lunch.” It’s been years since I wrote the award-winning book “The Art of the Business Lunch: Building Relationships Between 12 and 2” and even longer since I earned my nickname. I thought since I just got a new logo, I would take this […]

Etiquette FUN for Client Lunches OR Dinner with Friends

I think it's fascinating to read about etiquette and discover all the little nuances that add grace to a client lunch or business dinner. If you've ever wondered about exactly what to do, pick up a copy of an etiquette book. You'll really find it enjoyable and some of the tips are sure to surprise you!

How Do You Ask a Client to Lunch?

Seems many executives choke a bit when it comes to inviting a client out to lunch ... and the bigger the client, the more anxiety about lunch. It's really easy to invite a client to a business lunch - and you are only limited by your own creativity.

“The Queen of the Business Lunch” – There is Only One!

I hosted more than 3,000 client lunches during my years in advertising sales - though I'm quite sure that is a conservative estimate. My guess today would lean more toward 4,000. During that time, I saw my sales increase by more than 2,000%! That told me that I was doing SOMETHING right. I was compelled to share my tips and techniques with the world ... and so I wrote "The Art of the Business Lunch."