Business Lunches Are Back; Does Anyone Remember How to Do Them?

Business Lunches Are Back!
Over the past few years, most of us in business came to rely on online conference calls over in-person meetings, as business lunches and networking events instantly became a thing of the past. […]

Is Drinking for Business a Bad Idea?

WHY is Entrepreneur touting bar meetings in 2010 and encouraging business executives to drink "power" drinks like scotch in order to discuss business? I don't get it ... and I could not be more disappointed. I think they were merely trying hard to be cutting-edge cool. And, I'm afraid an "influencer" like Entrepreneur might just encourage some young eager beavers who are not confident enough on their own to take the magazine's advice and end up with a business mess or possibly a life disaster on their hands. Their cover story seems like a giant leap BACKWARD for progress.