The Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp:
Become Rich Doing What You Love – SPEAKING!
Next Boot Camp Dates TBD Can’t Wait? Schedule a One-on-One Boot Camp at Your Convenience!
One Day Only – Robin Jay will present “The Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp”
Did you know that some of the highest paid speakers in the world are those you have never even heard of? If you are a speaker or a coach, why not earn more money in a one hour speech than most earn in an entire month?
This truly is the Best Kept Secret in our industry. Most speakers are out there waiting for the call to come in from a meeting planner or bureau for a $1K, $5K, or $10K keynote. Or, they work diligently to create that one special keynote that will put them ahead of thousands of other speakers. Why wait for this to happen when you can guarantee you’ll make THOUSANDS of DOLLARS every time you speak?!
If you think that the secret to making $10,000.00 per speaking engagement is being able to be an excellent and talented speaker, I’m sorry to inform you, this is incorrect. Go to almost any seminar and you will find speakers that make you laugh and cry, speakers who will educate, stun, and amaze you all in one speech. They’ve got the looks, talent, and skills. But after they’ve finished speaking, they pray that they have enough gas money to make it home!
Talent is great and it is always important to sharpen and improve our skills. But I have seen some speakers earn well over $10,000.00 per speaking engagement for a presentation that was as dull as a butter knife and about as sharp as a marble. What is their secret?
You’ll discover this and more at the Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp. Power of Mentorship founder Don Boyer was like most speakers, until he discovered how using Science & Psychology could guarantee that he’d earn $10,000 every time he took the platform.
I attended his amazing Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp a few years ago and have seen the results first hand! I earned back my tuition the VERY NEXT TIME I spoke! The information you will discover is not based on talent, but rather science & psychology – and ANYONE can learn this!
Now, thanks to what I discovered with Don, I am able to bring this incredible information to you.
I am looking for just 10 people to work with to share the hidden secrets to earning $10,000 or more every time you speak at an event, even if it is your own seminar!
You will discover how, by using these techniques, you will earn $10,000, $25,000 or even $150,000 EVERY TIME YOU SPEAK!
You don’t have to be Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, or Jim Rohn to make money speaking.
Don’t wait!
Schedule a special MILLIONAIRE SPEAKERS BOOT CAMP with Robin Jay
Book your ONE DAY Intense Training at YOUR CONVENIENCE!
Iron-clad Money Back GUARANTEE!
In FABULOUS Las Vegas, Nevada!
PLUS – Every Boot Camp includes a Special Guest Speaker or Two! Last time, we had Gloria Loring, former star of Days of Our Lives and mother of pop sensation Robin Thicke! Gloria will share ways you can take the DRAMA out of your life … how perfect! And, Kathryn Peters-Brinkley, famed author, speaker, and spiritual life coach.
Robin is always happy to bring in experts who will make a difference in your life and in your speaking career.
Need More Information? Call 702-460-1420 now!
This boot camp is not to sharpen your presentation skills – this is to learn how to make money speaking! This is a SELLING boot camp. Here is my iron-clad guarantee: Come to class with your check in your back pocket – and, if at the end of the class, you don’t think it’s worth it – keep your check.
If you are a speaker or want to become one, I can show you how to earn thousands of dollars every time you get up to speak. In The Secret, Bob Proctor said that 98% percent of all wealth is in the hands of just 1% of the population. This sounds almost unbelievable, but you know what? It’s true!
Don Boyer said, “Let me share with you something that will blow your mind. In 1997 I had the good fortune to find a group of millionaires who took me under their wing and mentored me in the Law of Attraction. When I was introduced to the leader, I was told that he was one of the highest paid speakers in America, yet very few people knew of him. When they first shared this information with me, I was starting to think these guys may be smoking something illegal. Then they began telling me all these things about how to think correctly and how the law of attraction works. I then thought to myself, I know these guys are smoking something illegal!”
“However,” Don continued, “what I found out was that everything they were teaching me about the law of attraction was true and this leader was one of the highest paid speakers in America. His average income was $125,000 per engagement, yet he was not a nationally recognized speaker. How did he make this kind of money without national acclaim?”
He and those other self-made millionaires knew a Secret that very few knew back then, and very few know today. That Secret is how to earn thousands of dollars in the speaking industry. Although Don admits he did not learn or understand that Secret back then, he did learn it from another mentor a few years later…a mentor who knew the secret and who made and still makes millions of dollars from his speaking empire.
Now that he knows and understands the secret to making large amounts of money from speaking, he clearly sees how his first millionaire mentor made all his money without being well known to the general public. Don has shared this secret with me so that I may now help you to understand and discover for yourself how to make large amounts of money from speaking.
What is the measuring stick of a successful speech?
- Was it that you made the crowd laugh? Wrong!
- You made the crowd cry? Wrong?
- The audience was educated, informed and gave you a standing ovation? Wrong!
The number one measuring stick of a successful speech is this: After your speech, the audience gets up and takes out their money and purchases whatever it is you are selling! Once they do this, it is a successful presentation!
There are 3 types of speakers:
- General Speaker
- Public Speaker
- Paid Speaker
However, only one makes thousands of dollars at every speaking engagement. Do you know which one that is? I will not only tell you which one of these is making all the money, but I will show you how to become that very speaker!
Keep in mind, I do not teach anything I do not do myself. Let me share with you the Best Kept Secret of our Industry. Don had been professionally speaking since 1983 and held seminars for companies like Farmers Insurance, GMC, and everyone in between. He had always had the good fortune to have people come up to him, pat him on the back and say, “Wow, that was a great message!” This went on for 18 years and although he had gotten a lot of applause, he hadn’t made much money or sold much in the way of back of the room sales and products. In fact, after everything was added up, it turned out he almost always lost money! He just couldn’t figure out what was going on.
I understood this, too, because as President of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, I see this all the time; excellent speakers practically starving to death…. working hard, delivering dynamic, entertaining and educational speeches, yet barely scraping by with meager book sales and weak fees that barely pay the bills.
Don’s coaching career was about the same. He would coach and mentor people and spend hours, days, and months, (sometimes even years), and most of the people he worked with got amazing results. But, here too, he always ended up with the short end of the stick and didn’t make much money. He says, “If I had a dime for every compliment I received, I’d have more money than Bill Gates!”
This really frustrated him because he truly had a desire to help people. He knew he was a good coach and good speaker – but he was going broke!
Today, not a lot has changed in his method of speaking and coaching except for one thing. He now earns $10,000 to $30,000 per speaking engagement and it does not matter if he has an audience of 20 or 200, he STILL earns that kind of money! And I’ve seen him do it! He has clients that pay him $10,000.00 and more for his coaching. He does not share these numbers with you to boast, but to let you know that you, too, can start earning this kind of money.
What was his secret for going from being a great speaker and coach but always being broke… to being a great speaker and coach and making lots of money? It was knowing and understanding these four things:
1. Knowing how the speaking industry really works.
2. Knowing how to work the platform.
3. Developing your product line.
4. Knowing the hidden secret of the master close.
If you are a coach and speaker, why not earn more money in a one hour speech than most earn in an entire month?
This truly is the Best Kept Secret in our industry!
Most speakers and coaches today are outstanding; they have great content and are making a positive influence in the lives they touch. But the sad fact is, fewer than 2% of them are making any substantial money and most are not even making enough money to earn a living. I can help change all that!

Discover what PAID speakers know!
I am accepting just 10 people to work with personally during a special 2-day intensive boot camp…a few, select people who want to learn these methods and secrets to making an outrageous amount of money in the speaking industry while creating a powerful and positive change in the lives of many. I will personally share with you the hidden secrets you need to duplicate our results – and take your speaking and coaching career to a whole new level. It’s the little things that you don’t know that are keeping you from the $10,000.00 to $30,000.00 speaking fees you could be earning right now!
I will share with you insider secrets that will completely change your way of presenting. In this two-day intensive boot camp, I will share with you the four secrets I mentioned previously, plus help you customize your message for your own target market.
When you attend my intensive boot camp, I will share with you the tools you need to create thousands of dollars every time you speak. I am not going to teach you how to tell funny jokes or show you how to juggle balls in your left hand and play the drums with your right hand while wearing bells on your knees!
Most of you who will attend my boot camp are already proficient speakers; you know how to tell moving stories, give powerful presentations, and get a standing ovation when you are done speaking. What I am going to teach you are the Secrets of how to turn those talents into a financial fortune.
Here is what we will cover in class:
- How the Speaking Industry really works
- The 3 types of speakers
- How to develop your $1000.00 package
- How to create your branding
- Building a Irresistible offer
- Designing a Master Close
- How to launch your speaking career
- Building your self image
- How to earn $10,000.00 or more every time you speak
- Developing your message
- Building a financial speaking empire
You can attend this boot camp in a small class with a few, select speakers who also want to discover how to build a speaking empire, or you can take this as a one-on-one* course with me at your convenience. The tuition for this class (as a group boot camp) is just $597. Bring a friend if you can – you’ll want to share this experience! *One-on-one sessions are just $1497.00.
Classes are held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Call now to schedule this extraordinary, career-changing boot camp.
Discover how to MONETIZE your speaking career NOW!
All major credit cards accepted – through PayPal and PayPal “Bill Me Later”, if you prefer to make payments.
If you are serious about speaking your way to a financial fortune, sign up NOW for my
- Sharing with you the Secrets You Need to Speak and Grow Rich!
- This may be your only chance this year to attend my Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp
- **You will also get exciting free bonus items with your order**
- And remember, I offer an IRON-CLAD, money back guarantee!
Need More Information? Call 702-460-1420
This is more than a great value; this is the key to changing your life and achieving financial freedom and independence. Seating is limited to just 10 fortunate speakers. Where will YOUR speaking career take you? Discover how it can take you to the BANK!
YES – Sign me up! I want to attend the Millionaire Speaker Boot Camp
One-on-One. I will choose the dates that work for me for just $1497